Profound Musicological Research in the Microcosm of Music
Peter Hübner “Space and Time in Music”
Excerpt from Peter Hübner's Book: “Natural Music Creation”” 
Space-Experience in the Microcosm
of Music

To­day, the natu­ral spec­tra of over­tones of a tone can eas­ily be iden­ti­fied with sci­en­tific means. Due to in­suf­fi­cient cul­ti­va­tion of his in­ner hear­ing, how­ever, the con­ven­tion­ally trained mu­sic ex­pert is un­able to per­ceive the spec­trum of over­tones on the level of his in­ner ear.

Perceiving the Natural Overtone-Spectra of the Tone
Even to the per­form­ing mu­si­cian the spec­trum of over­tones of his in­stru­ment is not known in de­tail.
Just as he plays his in­stru­ment with­out be­ing able to dis­tin­guish its in­di­vid­ual atoms – let alone the com­bi­na­tions of pro­tons, elec­trons, and neu­trons – he only hears the ba­sic tones of the mu­sic he is play­ing, and some­thing like a timbre, but not the in­di­vid­ual over­tones, which are lo­cated, as it were, on atomic and sub­atomic lev­els. With proper train­ing how­ever, one is able to hear the struc­ture of the over­tones.

Ignorance of the Atomic and Subatomic World of the Sound-Space
The “in­ter­val,” the dif­fer­ence in pitch, is an ex­ter­nal mu­si­cal means to de­scribe the field of po­ten­tial en­ergy.

Space-Experience of the Understanding
An en­hancement of the ex­peri­ence of space through the un­der­stand­ing is brought about by elucidating the space be­tween the sin­gle over­tones of a sound by pro­jecting these over­tones to dif­fer­ent points in the acous­tic space.

Enhancement of the Space-Experience of the Understanding
The dif­fer­ence in am­pli­tude is an ex­ter­nal mu­si­cal means to de­scribe the field of kinetic en­ergy.

The Dynamic Space
The ex­peri­ence of space through the feel­ing is en­hanced by mak­ing au­di­ble the in­te­gra­tion of clearly dif­fer­en­ti­ated am­pli­tudes which, play­fully danc­ing to the pat­tern of the com­po­si­tion, light up like shoot­ing stars at vari­ous points in space.

Enhancement of the Space-Experience of the Feeling
The most com­pre­hen­sive ex­peri­ence of space re­sults from the in­te­gra­tion of the ex­peri­ence of space through feel­ing and un­der­stand­ing. This oc­curs when, in the proc­ess of our mu­si­cal cog­ni­tion, the po­ten­tial and the kinetic en­er­gies reach such a state of bal­ance that their forces cancel each other out.

The Integrated Space-Experience
In this case the hu­man mind, stimu­lated by the outer per­cep­tion of mu­sic, reaches a state of sus­pen­sion which re­sults in a feel­ing of weightlessness, and which has a lib­er­at­ing in­flu­ence on our per­son­al­ity in gen­eral.

The Balance of Musical Forces
At this moment, all mu­si­cal forces, or­gan­ized in space and time, cancel each other out, and space and time merge com­pletely and per­fectly.

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  With kind permission of AAR EDITION INTERNATIONAL