Profound Musicological Research in the Microcosm of Music
Peter Hübner “Space and Time in Music”
Excerpt from Peter Hübner's Book: “Natural Music Creation”” 
The Two Ways of Experiencing Space

Space-aware­ness and space-feel­ing are com­po­nents of knowl­edge which are ex­peri­enced from the level of the mind and which are there­fore not at all di­rectly re­lated to any as­pect of the en­vi­ron­ment.

Space-Aware­ness and Space-Feel­ing as Com­po­nents of Knowl­edge
The dis­tance of things sepa­rated in time or space cor­re­sponds to the phe­nome­non of po­ten­tial en­ergy in na­ture and cre­ates the space-aware­ness of the un­der­stand­ing. The change of the dis­tance be­tween things sepa­rated in time or space cor­re­sponds to the phe­nome­non of kinetic en­ergy in na­ture; it pre­domi­nantly stimu­lates the feel­ing, and from the feel­ing level it gen­er­ates the ex­peri­ence of space through the senses.

Potential and Kinetic Energy in the Musical Sound-Space
Thus, we dis­tin­guish two kinds of spa­tial ex­peri­ence: the “static” ex­peri­ence of space through the ana­lyti­cal un­der­stand­ing and the “dy­namic” ex­peri­ence of space through the syn­the­siz­ing feel­ing.
When lis­ten­ing to mu­sic, these two phe­no­mena of spa­tial ex­peri­ence al­ways appear to­gether and in mutual de­pend­ence; some­times, the one domi­nates, and some­times the other.

“Static” and “Dynamic” Experience of Space
The in­ter­play of feel­ing and un­der­stand­ing gen­er­ated in this proc­ess is the sphere of in­flu­ence of mu­sic.

The Musical Interplay of Feeling and Understanding
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  With kind permission of AAR EDITION INTERNATIONAL