Peter Hübner
Nature’s Laws of Harmony
in the Microcosm of Music

The Musicological Fun­da­men­tals of the Digi­tal Phar­ma­ceu­tics

Com­piled by the pub­lish­ers for this spe­cial pub­li­ca­tion from a lec­ture given by the clas­si­cal com­poser at the medi­cal fac­ulty of the Uni­ver­sity of Hei­del­berg, the Uni­ver­sity of Tel Aviv and the Uni­ver­sity of Mag­de­burg, and the talks which fol­lowed on the ap­pli­ca­tion of the natu­ral laws of har­mony in the mi­cro­cosm of mu­sic for medi­cine.

Through­out his­tory, the world’s great think­ers have as­sumed that those same uni­ver­sal laws of har­mony which natu­rally gov­ern the mi­cro­cosm of mu­sic also de­ter­mine the har­mony of the natu­ral func­tions in the in­te­rior world of man him­self and, fur­ther­more, ac­cord with those laws of har­mony which di­rect the en­tire course of bio­logi­cal evo­lu­tion.

Some great schol­ars went even fur­ther and claimed that these uni­ver­sal laws of har­mony, which de­ter­mine the mi­cro­cosm of mu­sic and bio­logi­cal life it­self, also in­deed gov­ern the en­tire cos­mos.
For this rea­son great schol­ars have, since an­cient times, keenly sup­ported the crea­tion and use of mu­sic which puts into prac­tice the natu­ral laws of har­mony in the mi­cro­cosm of mu­sic and re­veals these to the con­scious­ness of the lis­tener.

With the reve­la­tion of the natu­ral laws of har­mony in the mi­cro­cosm of mu­sic, the lis­tener should – con­sciously or un­con­sciously – ac­quire an im­me­di­ate, au­then­tic knowl­edge of the natu­ral har­mony of his bio­logi­cal life.

The last great rep­re­sen­ta­tive of this me­dici­nal mu­sic ap­pre­cia­tion was the fa­mous phy­si­cian, phi­loso­pher, mu­si­colo­gist, and mathe­ma­ti­cian, Pythagoras.

‘If it is pos­si­ble with the help of an in­sight into the mi­cro­cosm of mu­sic to rec­og­nize the laws of har­mony of our life, and, if by way of an ex­ter­nal mu­si­cal or­der we are able, in ad­di­tion to this, to ap­ply these natu­ral laws of har­mony to our thoughts, and still fur­ther to our bio­logi­cal sys­tem, allow them to take ef­fect there, and to sta­bi­lize and ac­ti­vate those natu­ral laws of har­mony, al­ready in place but weak in func­tion, this would rep­re­sent an enor­mous gain for the health of man­kind’, he con­cluded.

And so Pythagoras set up a medi­cal train­ing fa­cil­ity in which he de­voted him­self with mathe­mati­cal thor­ough­ness to this musi­co­logi­cal and medi­cal task.

Af­ter him, many re­nowned sci­en­tists and re­search­ers from the most di­verse of sci­en­tific fields have come up with the same or simi­lar re­sults as Pythagoras, so keep­ing his hy­pothe­ses alive.

The Microcosm of Music – Orchestra 11
With kind permission of AAR EDITION INTERNATIONAL